PHREEQC examples

PHREEQC courses

Amsterdam: 24-28 March, 2025 

PHREEQC downloads:

PHREEQC Version 3.8.7  

Dr C.A.J. Appelo
Hydrochemical Consultant

  tel. ++ 31 6 430 210 49                               Email:
Consulting and Educating for Water Resources, Water Quality and Water Pollution

PHREEQC examples provide an introduction to modeling the essential chemical processes in soil- and groundwater:

Fluoride in groundwater Cation exchange CO2 sorption on ferrihydrite biodegradation of xylene Uranium transport in aquifer above mine Calculate Density

PHREEQC version 3 calculates pressure effects and gas solubility at (very) high pressures:

Pressure effects on solubility gas solubilities aqueous molar volumes solution densities gas solubilities scale solubilities Belousov's reaction

Advanced PHREEQC options include multicomponent diffusion, diffuse layer calculations, colloid transport, CD-MUSIC, and more...:

Multicomponent diffusion can be uphill Check the Nernst equation Membrane diffusion Ferrihydrite is transported as colloid

PHREEQC courses with information on the next course, and pictures with participants of previous courses:

PHREEQC course in Amsterdam Next PHREEQC course on-line course

PHREEQC downloads where to download PHREEQC for 'phree...'

Appelo & Postma, 2nd edition contains downloads and links for the 2nd edition of this textbook. From the reviews:
".... Overall, this book is highly informative and comprehensive. It is detailed but easy to read..."

(Sabine Goldberg, Vadose Zone J.). Read the full review (13 kb pdf)
"... We advise the owners of the first edition to obtain the second edition as well. Much new knowledge is incorporated. Didactic improvements include a full integration of PHREEQC..."

(Pieter Stuyfzand and Boris van Breukelen, H2O). Read the full review (in Dutch, 473 kb gif)

Publications a list with pdf files or links for demanding a reprint