SOLUTION 1-30 # Fresh pore water and sediment... pH 7.27 Na 0.485; Mg 0.8; Ca 2.0 Cl 0.566; C(4) 3.5 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1-30 Calcite; CO2(g) -2.0 SAVE solution 1-30 PRINT; -reset false; -status false END # Note the END (see text) EXCHANGE 1-30 X 0.1; -equilibrate 1 END SOLUTION 0 # 1/3 seawater enters the aquifer... pH 8.3 Na 162; Mg 18.4; Ca 3.6 Cl 189; Alkalinity 2.4 END TRANSPORT # 20 yr flow, 5 m/yr, in 150 m... -cells 30; -length 5 -time_step 3.15e7 -flow_direction forward; -shifts 20 -dispersivity 1; -punch_frequency 20 USER_GRAPH -heading dist Na Mg*10 Ca Cl Alk*10 -init false # -init is shorthand for initial_solutions -plot_concentration_vs x -axis_titles "Distance / m" "mmol/L" -start 10 graph_x dist 20 graph_y tot("Na")*1e3, tot("Mg")*1e4, tot("Ca")*1e3,\ tot("Cl")*1e3, Alk*1e4 # Note line continuation with \ -end END